Hian Li Ko, Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten

Hian Li Ko

lawyer, partner

Hian Li Ko studied law in Leiden. She has been a lawyer since 1996. From 2000 onwards, she focused entirely on employment law. In that context, she successfully completed the Post-Academic Employment Law Course (PALA). Before joining Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten, she worked at Nauta Dutilh, Sorensen Weijers & Ko and BASE Advocaten. In 2015 she founded Ko & Co Advocaten, a firm specialized in employment law and civil service law.

In 2018 she joined Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten as a partner. She continued to conduct her employment law practice under the name Ko & Co Advocaten, which has since become a trade name of Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten. Ko & Co Advocaten therefore focuses on employment law practice. Langelaar Klinkhamer focuses on transport law, corporate law and equestrian law.

Hian Li is familiar with all facets of employment law: employment contracts in all forms, assignment agreements, she advises on them or is happy to draw them up. Probationary period clauses, non-competition clauses and relationship clauses, threatening conflict situations, reorganizations and individual or collective dismissal cases: these are all matters that she knows a lot about and has a lot of experience with. In reorganizations and collective dismissals, she can supervise the associated participation processes and negotiations with the unions. She has extensive experience in negotiating and drawing up social plans with works councils or trade unions. You can also contact her for advice on employers’ liability.

Her niche within employment law is employment law in education. Both employers and employees know where to find her because of her special experience and knowledge in education.

In addition to her legal knowledge, Hian Li’s strength is her humanity and her empathy. She has a keen sense of what a case needs to resolve. She prefers finding solutions to long and expensive procedures.

Hian Li teaches about the legal profession every year for IMC Weekend School at a primary school in South Rotterdam and finds it one of the nicest side activities she can do. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Gamechangers Foundation (organizer of the Rotterdam Street Culture Week) and a member of the Board of the Poetry International Foundation (organizer of the International Poetry Festival).

Hian Li has registered in the following main (and sub) legal areas in the register of legal areas of the Dutch Bar: employment law and civil service law. Based on this registration, she is obliged to obtain ten training points every calendar year in each registered main legal area in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

Over Hian Li

Hian Li Ko studeerde rechten in Leiden. Ze volgde voorts met succes de Post Academische Leergang Arbeidsrecht (PALA). Zij is sinds 1996 advocaat. Ze was werkzaam bij Nauta Dutilh, SorensenWeijers&Ko en BASE Advocaten en heeft in 2015 Ko & Co Advocaten opgericht. Ko & Co Advocaten heeft zich volledig gespecialiseerd in het arbeidsrecht en het ambtenarenrecht.

Sinds 2018 is ze tevens partner van Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten. Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten en Ko & Co Advocaten werken namelijk nauw samen. Ko & Co Advocaten richt zich op de arbeidsrechtelijke praktijk. Langelaar Klinkhamer richt zich op transportrecht, ondernemingsrecht en hippisch recht.

Hian Li is thuis in alle facetten van het arbeidsrecht: arbeidsovereenkomsten in alle vormen, overeenkomsten van opdracht, ze adviseert er over of stelt ze graag op. Proeftijdbedingen, concurrentiebedingen en relatiebedingen, dreigende conflictsituaties, reorganisaties en individuele of collectieve ontslagzaken: het zijn allemaal zaken waar zij veel van af weet en veel ervaring mee heeft. Bij reorganisaties en collectieve ontslagzaken kan zij de daarbij behorende medezeggenschapstrajecten en onderhandelingen met de vakbonden begeleiden. Ze heeft ruime ervaring bij het onderhandelen over en opstellen van sociaal plannen met ondernemingsraden of vakbonden. Ook voor advies over aansprakelijkheid van werkgevers kunt u bij haar terecht.

Hian Li heeft zich op de volgende hoofd- (en sub-)rechtsgebieden in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten geregistreerd: arbeidsrecht, ambtenarenrecht. Op grond van deze registratie is zij verplicht elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied.




Arbeidsrecht in het onderwijs


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