Maritime & logistics

As a Rotterdam-based firm, Langelaar Klinkhamer Advocaten assists clients operating in and around the port. Our lawyers are familiar with the legal challenges involved in national and international transport and logistics services. They act for shipowners, carriers, cargo interests, forwarders, agents, terminal operators, stevedores and companies active in shipbuilding – from suppliers to shipyards.

Do you have a question or just want to exchange views? That’s always possible! Call or mail us at:

Port and trade

With great regularity we act for P&I-, H&M-, charterer’s liability and FD&D-insurers en intermediairies. You can turn to us for prompt and effective legal services in relation to wet cases, such as:

  • collisions
  • general average and limitation of liability
  • cargo damage
  • ship arrest


Through their litigation experience, our lawyers also know the bottlenecks and pitfalls involved in contracts in logistics services. They advise and draft contracts relating to, inter alia:

  • transport agreements, including contracts of affreightment and bills of lading
  • shipping agencies
  • shipbuilding
  • sales and financing

Financing and execution of ships

A special practice at our firm is ship financing and foreclosure auctions of ships. In doing so, we advise ship owners, shipping companies and managers of ships, as well as banks and wealthy parties on, among others:

  • the possibilities of refinancing in case of financial difficulties
  • financing possibilities when purchasing ships
  • the forced sale of ships

We are happy to assist you!

Do you have a legal question or would you like advice on legal matters, please contact us.

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